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Frugal earth Day Tips: Doing YOUR part

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I hope that you’ll do something (even if small) to assist the earth! right here are some penny-wise concepts for doing your part to assist the earth.

Bring your recyclable buying bags with you! Don’t just talk about it- truly take them!

Change your light bulbs to compact florescent light bulbs. These last YEARS longer as well as save energy while assisting the environment.

When printing coupons, flip the page over as well as utilize the back to print your next one! This will save paper as well as money!

Recycle your newspapers! Every week, we couponers have tons of excess newspaper. Take them to a recycling bin. The short trip to the recycling bin is well worth the trip with all the cost savings you get from the newspaper itself. Plus, that a person newspaper that you recycle will make it possible to get future papers as well as save even more money!

Use recyclable coffee mugs! You can assist save the atmosphere one coffee cup each time be replacing your daily styrofoam or plastic cups with travel mugs! They are much easier to bring as well as can be utilized over as well as over again.

Donate unwanted garments or home goods. instead of throwing out old garments items, dishes, books, etc. Donate them to a regional thrift store or charity. These products can be reused as well as re-purposed as well as out of your hands! Or think about having a lawn sale.

Recycle your old cellphones! This keeps usable materials out of land fills while saving energy. The recycling of one million cell phones can save sufficient energy to power 185 us households for a year! (source-

Keep your lights off! Whenever possible, turn your un-needed lights off to save energy.

Save water by steaming your vegetables instead of boiling them. You can provide them a quick rinse, location them in a covered bowl as well as microwave them for a minute or two. saves a quart or more of water each time.

Refill ink cartridges instead of throwing them away as well as buying new ones. This saves them from the land fills as well as really expense less!

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I hope you’ll think about doing a few of these “green” penny-wise tips. They won’t expense you a thing as well as you’ll feel excellent about assisting the environment!

For more penny-wise tips, techniques, as well as money-saving concepts see saving with Amy!

לדון בפורום שלנו

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Wean Green Eco ידידותית זכוכית זמין כעת ב Cdermy Barn ילדים

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ויין גרין, שנוסדה על ידי קנדי ​​ואמא, מליסה Gunning הציגה את קו הזכוכית שלה ידידותית לסביבה מזון אחסון מזון U.S בחודש נובמבר 2011 בבית קדרות באסם ילדים. אלה מכולות קטנות חמודות יש הצמד צבעוני על המכסים והוא יכול לאחסן עד 16.5 0z של מזון. המכלים הזעירים שלהם מחזיקים 4 עוז והם מושלמים לאחסון מזון לתינוקות.

ויין גרין של מיכלי זכוכית נועדו לאחסן, להקפיא, לחמם מחדש ולהגיש food.A BPA ללא תשלום, אלטרנטיבה ידידותית לסביבה למכולות אחסון מזון אחרים, גרין גרין מיוצרים מ 100% מיחזור זכוכית glasslock.

מוצרים של גרין ויין הם נהדרים עבור אמהות עסוק הזקוקים למקום בטוח בטוח לאחסן מזון לתינוקות או סנדוויצ’ים לילדים שלהם לארוחות צהריים בבית הספר. בשל גודל קטן שלהם לא הייתי ממליץ להשתמש במיכלים ירוקים wean כדי לאחסן שאריות מארוחת הערב של המשפחה שלך או פריטי מזון גדולים אחרים ייתכן שיהיה עליך להקפיא.

בגלל המוצרים של Ween גרין עשויים זכוכית ידידותית לסביבה מזג הם הרבה יותר יקר מאשר עמיתיהם הפלסטיק אתה עשוי למצוא בחנות הנחה המקומית שלך. הם טווחים במחיר מ 10.99 $ עבור שניים של מיכלים הקטנים שלהם ל 21.99 $ עבור ארבעה חבילה של 4oz מכולות. אם באמצעות מוצרים ידידותיים לסביבה חשוב למשפחה שלך ואז גמיש ירוק שווה את המחיר.

ויין גרין גם שותפה עם 1% עבור הפלנטה, ארגון המוקדש לבניין ולתמוך בברית של עסקים מחויבים מבחינה כלכלית ליצירת כוכב לכת בריא. ויין גרין תורם 1% מהרווחים שלהם לארגונים סביבתיים.

Wean Green יש גם מועמד עבור פרס cribsie עבור הדרך הנוחה ביותר לאחסן מזון לתינוקות. פרסי Cribsie מכירים את המוצרים הטובים ביותר ואתרי אינטרנט לתינוקות, טוטס, וההורים העודדים אותם. אנא בדוק את לקבלת מידע נוסף.

קשורים 6 סיבות שאתה צריך אבק באופן קבוע

לקבלת מידע נוסף על Wean ירוק מוצרים לרכוש אותם באינטרנט אתה יכול לבקר:

* גילוי קיבלתי חבילת מדגם של זכוכית גרין ויין תינוקות מזון בתמורה לביקורת זו. כל הדעות מדויקות ו -100% שלי.

Cascia Talbert הוא בלוגר עסוק, בעל אתר, סופר עצמאי, סוחר מקוון ואמא של חמישה ילדים, החיים בצפון מערב האוקיינוס ​​השקט. עם B.A. בהיסטוריה ולחוק ותשוקה לכתיבה ולהישאר בריא, היא החלה את מגזין MOMS בריא בשנת 2007. מגזין MOMS בריא כרגע מדורגת בלוג בריאות העליון עבור אמהות וכולל כמה סופרים מומחה בריאות בלוגרים אמא. גב ‘טלברט סבורה שאם אמהות משכילות על נושאים בריאותיים וכיצד להישאר בריאים, הם יכולים להעביר את המידע הזה לילדיהם ולהפוך את הסטטיסטיקה של השמנת יתר בילדותו בארה”ב.

גב ‘טלברט היא בלוגר בריאות מובלט ב ואת המאמרים שלה ניתן גם למצוא על היא גם מנהלת את הרשת החברתית בריאים בריאים על נינג, מנהלת את בריאותו הטבעית של אמא וחנות הבריאות, והיא על המועצה המייעצת למדיה חברתית לאתגר הבריאות של אמריקה.

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Say No to “You Snooze, You Lose”!

שיתוף הוא אכפתיות!




What’s the secret to being a pleased but busy mom? sleep and a healthy lifestyle!

Before learning why sleep was so important, I had made a decision earlier this year to focus on my health, and sleep was part of that change. little did I know that one small change would affect my entire life. sleep had a positive effect on my health, happiness, productivity, relationships, and mental state.

Working, devoted, mothers tend to have busy lives because not only do they pay the bills and maintain the household but they also spend a lot of time with their kids and spouse all while still getting “me time” squeezed into the schedule. We in some cases put much more on our plate than we can deal with but we do it because in some cases we get into “super mom” mode. As a mother and partner with a demanding career, a blogger, and an active 5 year old, I’m very familiar with having a busy schedule; however, I have still managed to spend quality time with my family, be successful at the workplace, and help maintain the household all while keeping my sanity. numerous people ask me “how do you accomplish all this in one day?” My reaction is sleep and a healthy lifestyle. You’re probably thinking how is sleep and a healthy lifestyle the secret to being a successful mom? הרשה לי להסביר.

In the last 5 years because I had my son, there has been plenty of times where I have stayed up late or didn’t sleep whatsoever because I had work projects to complete. staying up late seemed to be a common practice I developed throughout the years because it was the only time I was able to focus on the things I wanted to do. While my family slept, I worked late hours of the night and some nights were very long. After a few years of sleep deprivation, I started to notice that the lack of sleep was clearly affecting my overall health and mental well-being. That’s when I chose to make a change.

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Due to the lack of sleep:

•I became obese and developed unhealthy practices and poor diet which eventually led to several health issues
• My energy levels were always low
• I suffered severed mood swings
• I couldn’t concentrate during the day which affected my productivity
• My work and life balance was suffering because I didn’t have the motivation or energy to be there for my family
• I was physically and mentally exhausted all the time
• I was burned out and stressed

Misconceptions of sleep
Many mothers think that sleeping 8+ hours a day makes them lazy and unproductive. We see all these messages from entrepreneurs, celebrities and other successful people telling you that in purchase to make it or to achieve your dreams, you have to sacrifice sleep and work all hours of the night. That could be true for a person who doesn’t have kids and responsibilities but for a mother that needs to work and raise a family, sleeping at least 8 hours is crucial. no one really understands the power of sleep because we have been trained to think that it’s a luxury rather than a necessity to flourish in this world. Why is sleep so important?

Here are 4 reasons why you ought to be sleeping at least 8 hours a day:

1) sleep plays an essential role in your health and physical state. It makes you less prone to diseases by healing and repairing your body during sleep.
2) sleep improves memory, spurs creativity and enhances your quality of life
3) getting enough sleep gives you the energy and mood increase to function at your best
4) avoid accidents such as automobile crashes

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Check out this short article published on the American psychological association that talks about the significance of sleep and how it affects your health.

My Discovery
Arianna Huffington from the Huffington post has recently started a movement that educates people on why sleep is important to a pleased and successful life. In one of her TED talks, she said:

“I’m here to tell you that the way to a much more productive, much more inspired, much more cheerful life is getting enough sleep. When I get enough sleep, I’m better at everything. I’m better at running the Huffington Post, I’m much more creative, I’m less reactive, I’m better with my children.”

I thought this statement coming from a powerful and successful woman and mother was pretty bold. Her views on sleep are not very common among some successful people. I listened to her entire TED talk on sleep and then started doing research myself. What I discovered was quite shocking. I felt the need to share it with all the mothers who are living day to day sleep deprived. I know what it’s like to have ambition, and feel the urge to work at night because you think that’s the only time you can work on your goals and dreams. but when you are determined, you will find a way to adjust your schedule to work on your goals while staying healthy and getting enough sleep. start by decreasing TV time, use any totally free time during the day such as your lunch break or downtime to work on your side projects, and get rid of activities that are not getting you closer to your goals (that night out with pals can wait). The quality and amount of sleep you get each night will identify your future.

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These are some suggestions for getting a good night sleep:

1) turn off your phone 30 mins before you go to bed to let your mind relax
2) sleep at least 8 hours a day because it gives your body and mind enough time to recover, rest, and get ready for next day
3) never ever bring work to bed. It will keep you up all night
4) read a book or do some meditation or yoga before going to bed. It will help you relax
5) put lavender vital oils on your pillow, rub it on your chest, or put it in an oil diffuser. This scent helps you calm the mind.
6) Take a hot bath with Epsom salts to wind down and unwind the body
7) You can spray magnesium before you go to bed. It helps with insomnia and it decreases tension hormones

After I started sleeping 8 hours, I discovered that my focus and level of concentration enhanced immediately. The ability to think clearer made me assess our health, diet, and habits. A good night sleep gave me the energy and required focus to make changes that ultimately led to a healthy lifestyle. good sleep and healthy practices puts an end to disease and maintains good health.

Don’t sacrifice sleep! Your family needs you to get the proper amount of sleep to stay productive and healthy. next time you’re feeling moody or you’re lacking focus and energy, take a nap or get a good night sleep. You will feel brand new.


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