How To reduce Puffy Eyes fast

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Puffy eyes are very common for many people who lead busy stressful lives.  Many beauty products on the market today claim to help reduce the appearance of puffy eyes. However, many of them contain harmful chemicals that could lead to cancer or other health conditions if over used.  If you are looking for a natural alternative to reduce your puffy eyes we have provided a list of eleven items that will help your eyes look less tired.  Every single one of these can be found in your kitchen.

1. Cucumber Slices
Cucumber is one of the wonderful foods for feeding the skin. Cucumber contains the enzymes as well as the astringent agents, which help reduce inflammation and tighten the skin as well. It also constricts blood vessels cools, thus soothing and reducing inflammation. Your dark circles and wrinkles around your eyes also are reduced by using cucumber. To use it, follow these steps:
1. The first step is to cut a cucumber into thick slices. Next, keep the slices in your refrigerator for some time.
2. After that, remove the slices from your refrigerator and now put them on both your eyes.
3. let it like that till they get warmed. later remove them.
4. Then, you use other slices of cucumber and repeat the process above.
5. keep repeating for half an hour.

2. Potatoes
Potatoes are also an effective remedy for reducing puffy eyes. They can transfer antioxidants, like vitamin C as well as other nutrients to the skin. Besides, they contain enzymes and starch that help nourish your skin. Moreover, its coldness helps to reduce inflammation and swelling of the vessels underneath your eye to help minimize a dark and tired appearance. here are two simple methods to use them for puffy eyes.
Method 1:
1. Firstly, take a potato and next peel it. Then, grate it to collect the juice in a bowl.
2. now apply it using a cotton ball on your affected area.
3. let it dry and finally, wash it off with water.
Method 2:
1. Simply, cut a big potato into thick slices.
2. Next, put the slices on your eyes and keep for 20 minutes.
3. Lastly, wash your face by using cold water.
The two methods are easy and effective remedies for your problem.

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3. Egg Whites
Egg whites have the ability to retain the skin’s elasticity, thus removing puffiness. It acts as one astringent and helps tighten the skin’s pores under the eyes. It also decreases the swelling and promotes blood circulation, thereby minimizing the puffiness. how to use egg white for treating puffy eyes? here is the method:
1. Take one egg and next whisk it. Then, separate the egg yolk from its white.
2. now apply it on your affected area and keep for 20 minutes.
3. Finally, wash off by using normal water.

4. Strawberries
Strawberries can work wonders for the skin. They are an astringent in nature that can reduce circles and puffiness beneath the eyes. Further, an alpha-hydroxy present in them can help the skin look smooth and young. here is the method:
1. All you need to do is keep a few strawberries in your refrigerator for some time.
2. Then, cut them into slices and place it on the eyes.
3. keep repeating this process for about 20 minutes.

5. Tea Bags
Both black and green tea bags can help reduce puffy and irritated eyes as well. The tannin in tea bags is a powerful astringent that decreases the puffiness beneath the eyes. In addition, they come with anti-irritant qualities that help lower swelling around the eyes. Plus, they also minimize redness and inflammation as well. To use them, follow these simple steps below:
1. Take one glass of chilled water at first and dip two green or black tea bags in it.
2. Then, squeeze extra water and now place them on your affected area and relax.
3. Repeat the process for a minimum of an hour.

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6. Aloe Vera Gel
Aloe vera gel is an anti-inflammatory home and aids in reducing the puffiness related to stress and lack of sleep. In addition, it comes with multiple vitamins such as B3, B6, and C, as well as niacinamide, 18 amino acids and choline. These amino acids and vitamins can help moisturize, tone and brighten the skin. Moreover, it can treat a variety of skin problems such as wrinkles, dark circles, hyper-pigmentation, brown spots, melisma etc. here is the recipe that explains you on how to remove puffy eyes with aloe vera gel:
1. Take a fresh leaf of Aloe Vera and next cut into two.
2. Then, extract its gel and now apply it on your affected area.
3. After that, massage the face for a couple of minutes.
4. Lastly, wash your face by using normal water after 15 minutes.

7. Salt Water
Using salt water is a useful remedy for treating puffy eyes you should not ignore. follow these steps to use it:
1. In a bowl, take 4 cups of water and to it add ½ tsp of salt and now stir well.
2. Then, dip 2 cotton balls in this solution.
3. After this, squeeze extra water and now out the balls on the eyes and relax.
4. Repeat the process for twenty minutes.

8. cold Spoons
Cold spoon can combat the situation very effectively. Here’s the method:
1. All you need to do is take 2 spoons and next place them in the refrigerator.
2. keep in on for 10 minutes. then take out the spoons from your refrigerator.
3. Then, put the spoons on your affected area till it is cold.
4. You should repeat the process a few times and you’ll see the difference.

9. whole Milk
Whole milk is also an excellent way to treat puffy eyes. whole milk consists of fat that contains a smoothing effect. Plus, it is rich in proteins, amino acids, vitamins A, D, as well as lactic acid that aid in reducing puffiness beneath the eyes. follow these instructions below:
1. You need to take a cotton ball and dip it in chilled milk. Then, place over your eyes.
2. keep it on for 20 to 30 minutes and lastly, rinse with water.
3. Repeat this process daily.

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10. rose Water
Rose water restores the pH balance of the skin to reduce excessive pigmentation. It contains anti-oxidants that boost and regenerate skin cells. The anti-inflammatory present in it can reduce redness and swelling. Rosewater is also antibacterial, so it helps detoxify skin in order to keep it bright and clear. Rosewater tones the skin beneath the eyes and inhibits under eye puffiness.
Here’s the method:
1. add rose petals (a handful) into one cup of boiling water to make rose-water.
2. Then, steep for about fifteen minutes. Then, throw away these boiled rose petals.
3. After this, keep the rose-water in an air tight container. For best results, refrigerate the rose-water.
4. now dip 2 cotton balls in it and gently squeeze them.
5. keep it on for 15 minutes.

11. Coriander
Using coriander is also an excellent remedy for curing puffy eyes. Coriander water can treat a variety of eye infections and also reduce swelling and puffiness beneath the eyes. Here’s the recipe:
1. Take one handful of coriander at first and then, soak them in water for a couple of hours.
2. After that, amazing the water in your refrigerator and now use it for washing under eyes and the face.
3. You should apply it on the eyes daily for a few minutes.
Have you ever tried any of these treatments for puffy eyes? Do you know any other methods for treating puffy eyes? Share your thoughts with us!

This article is posted by Hang Pham, a health & home remedies writer and the manager of the beauty community – beauty Talk. For more information about Hang Pham visit:

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